Entries by Ryan Lasal

Lyndonville Lions Club’s Newest Member

The Lyndonville Lions Club also recently welcomed its newest member, Renee Hungerford, shown here during her induction ceremony and flanked by her Lions Club sponsor, Bruce Schmidt (center) and current president, Darren Wilson. Hungerford is executive director of Community Action of Orleans & Genesee. Article can be found here: Eyeglass clinic planned for March 19 […]

Emergency Broadband Benefit Change

On March 1, 2022, most legacy Emergency Broadband Benefit households should be automatically transitioned to the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP).  Households that need to take action to remain enrolled in the ACP will have been contacted by USAC, the program administrator, or their provider.   After the transition period ends on March 1, 2022, the monthly […]