Entries by Jan Albanese

Food Distribution Dates through June

The schedule is set for the food distribution program on Fridays, at 8:30am.   May 14 – Community Action Main Street Store, 113 South Main St., Albion May 21 – Orleans County Cornell Cooperative Extension, 4-HFairgrounds on Route 31 in Knowlesville May 28 – Community Action Main Street Store, 113 South Main St., Albion June […]

A Successful Spring Cleaning!

At our Batavia site, Spring Cleaning went very well on May 6th! We got rid of 80% of everything! What we didn’t get rid of we gave to Quota. We had agencies attend and all enjoyed it very much! Our volunteers are to be commended for their hard work as well. Mark Malaniak is awesome […]


PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE!!! Spring Cleaning Date Changed to Thursday, May 6th 2021, still at Community Action in Batavia. Apologize for having to move the date, but weather looks like rain on Wednesday!

FCC Announces Emergency Broadband Benefit Start Date

This morning, the FCC announced that on May 12, 2021, eligible households will be able to apply for the Emergency Broadband Benefit. In announcing the official launch date, Acting Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel stated: “Families in every corner of the country have been struggling to get online throughout this pandemic. For those families, we now say help is around the corner. […]

Vaccination Appointments Available

Slots available at vaccination clinics this week in Orleans, Genesee (By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 26 April 2021 at 5:17 pm) There are opportunities this week for Orleans County residents to get the Covid-19 vaccine at a mass clinic. The Genesee and Orleans County Health Departments have first dose Moderna vaccination clinics with appointments available […]

Thank You Girl Scouts!

Girl Scouts Troops 82007 and 82261, came together for a community service project today 4/25/2021, as a thank you to Genesee Orleans Community Action for allowing them to use the Albion Main Street Thrift Store parking lot for a covid-safe cookie sale drive-thru this year. Kinzie Rickner, Meadow Smith, Aniela Wilson, Neveya Barnes, Aubrey Gannon […]

COVID-19 Vaccine Update

The Surgeon General of the United States, Dr. Vivek Murthy, says: Here’s the bottom line: The COVID-19 vaccines have already saved lives, and we still have vaccine options that are safe and effective, and Americans should continue to get vaccinated as soon as possible. As a resource, more information about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines can […]