Help More Children Benefit from Head Start!!

Head Start Advocacy Letter – Community Member REVISED 5-12-2022


Head Start Advocacy Letter – Parent – REVISED 5-12-2022


Minimum wage continues to increase with eligibility for Head Start remaining flat leaving more and more children unable to participate in this effective program.   Above you will find links to letter templates from the perspective of a Community Member and from the perspective of a Parent requesting that eligibility be raised to 200% of FPL.

Please consider pasting the contents of this letter, along with your contact information, into the email from to Congressman Chris Jacobs of our 27th District. You can find this form here:

If you know people outside our district who would like to advocate, they can  visit to find their respective reps.

There is power in numbers!  Please spread the word!  Thank you.

Renee M. Hungerford

Executive Director/CEO – Community Action of Orleans & Genesee

“Be part of the solution!”



This coming Monday, May 16th

Come Join Us …

Can You Help?

Our Mission: “To provide services, with dignity and respect, that help people become self-sufficient.”

Community Action’s Board of Directors is looking for a resident of Orleans or Genesee Counties to join the Board.  If you are interested in becoming a Board Member, please contact Melinda Daniels, Executive Assistant, at 585-589-5605.


2022 Customer Satisfaction Survey

We would greatly appreciate it if you could take a few moments to participate in our 2022 Customer Satisfaction Survey.  Community Action of Orleans and Genesee Inc., values your input.  The results of the survey help us to improve our services to our community.

Here is the link: 2022 Customer Satisfaction Survey

Drug Take-Back Day

This Saturday, April 30th is National Drug Take Back Day!

Turn in your unused or expired medications for safe disposal to help prevent prescription drug abuse, accidental poisoning, and protect the environment. See the list of locations below to find a collection site near you.

This event will take place at all sites

from 10:00am-2:00pm.



Genesee County:
*Alva Pl Parking Lot – Corner of Alva Pl and Bank St, Batavia
*Pembroke Town Hall – Rt. 5 at Rt. 77, Pembroke
*LeRoy Police Department – 3 West Main St, LeRoy
Orleans County:
*Orleans County Sheriff’s Office – 13925 State Rt. 31, Albion
Wyoming County:
*Wyoming County Sheriff’s Office – 151 North Main St, Warsaw
*Attica Police Department – 43 Exchange St, Attica
*Perry Police Department – 46 North Main St, Perry

Medina Rotary Participates in Canal Clean Sweep

Renee Hungerford with her granddaughter Kinzie joined the Medina Rotary Club to clean up trash and debris on the north side of the canal from Fruit Avenue bridge to Marshall Road bridge on Saturday.

Community Action Celebration Month

May 2022



National small business week

shop your favorite small business in Orleans/Genesee


Employee Monday


Celebrate years of service


National Teacher’s Day

Celebrate HS teachers


Weatherization Wednesday




Cinco De Mayo Celebrations



School Lunch Hero    Day 

Honor each person who provides kids lunch


Main Street Store Super Sale




Sunday Success


Share a success story


Mystery Solved                      Monday

Share little known facts about CA or a CA program


Community Action Spirit Day

Wear Community Action or program Gear


Impact Wednesday

Share a social media post and promote your organization


Throwback Thursday


Share an old school picture of CA


Photo Friday

Share a picture of your program employees




Sneak peek Saturday


Post about an upcoming event


Good for your soul       Sunday

Post what you appreciate most about CA or a CA program



Leadership Monday


Partnership    Appreciation Day

Acknowledge the partnerships we have


Celebrate 57 Years of Head Start


Thoughtful Art Thursday

HS teachers take pictures of the kid’s artwork for the website


Rockin 2020/Covid  Dress Attire

Come to work dressed like you were working remotely



It’s a sign Saturday

Take pictures of CA or program signs and post them on our website


Send a Message                                     Sunday

Send a thoughtful message to an employee


Spotlight Monday

Share Early Head Start Baby Pics or EHS News



Creative Thinking Day

Come up with a creative idea and share it.



Outside My Window    Wednesday

Take pictures of what you see out your window


Give Thanks Thursday





Pizza Party Friday

Order Pizza for staff appreciation


Marvelous Pets of Community Action

Share Pictures of CA Pets on Facebook



Memorial Day



ACT Appreciation Day