Katrina Standish – Director (585)589-5605 x103

Kristina Ettinger – Case Manager (585)589-5605 x102

Albion Office: (585)589-5605 Emergency Services-Albion: Nichole Targa
Holley Office: (585)638-6395 Case Manager-Holley: Deb Rothmund
Genesee Office: (585)343-7798 Emergency Services-Batavia: Shannon Harris

Family Development

The goal of the Family Development program is to assist families in becoming as independent and self-sufficient as they possibly can. This can include assistance in employment, education, parenting, and nutrition. Financial management and health and safety may also be addressed.

The Family Development worker is a trained professional who will meet the consumer on a regular basis, either at the office, or at the consumers’ home. The consumer and case manager will work together on identifying goals and how to reach the goals once made. The case manager will provide information, advocacy, and help explore alternatives with providing support to the family. Case Managers will make referrals if needed to appropriate agencies.

The Family Development Program is voluntary; families sign an agreement demonstrating a level of motivation and commitment needed to reach their determined and identified goals.

Emergency Services

Emergency Services are provided on a walk in and referral basis. All sites have an emergency food pantry available to help in crisis situations. Emergency Services can also coordinate transportation; assist with clothing, and counseling referrals. Emergency Services require an intake and interview process that may find the family could benefit by enrolling in the Family Development Program.