Help Head Start Agency Impacted by California Wildfires

The following message comes from a Head Start program whose children, families, staff and agency have suffered unfathomable losses due to the wildfires in southern California. If you choose to do so, I am certain any measure of support be it financial or spiritual you can offer our colleagues would be greatly appreciated.

I regret to inform you that my programs in Pasadena, Altadena and Glendale, have been severely affected by the wildfires, and we are still not out of danger. In particular, my programs in Altadena and Pasadena have suffered devastating losses.

One of our EHS programs, the Nesbitt Center in Altadena, and two of our provider homes have burned to the ground; and 6 Provider homes have been severely damaged. Seven families have lost their homes completely. One of our staff members has also lost their home and another is still waiting to find out. In total, 70 families and 13 staff members have been displaced and 130 families impacted.

The tragedy is especially profound in Altadena, a historically Black community that was redlined by Pasadena to the foot of the mountain. Many families displaced by the fire may never be able to rebuild. Head Start families, including those who lived in generational homes and Section 8 housing, have lost their homes indefinitely.

We are actively working on gathering donations for these families, but what we urgently need are funds to help them stay in hotels or secure temporary housing—if they can find it. To this end, we have set up an account where contributions can be made to support these families in rebuilding their lives and ensuring they have a roof over their heads. The stories of loss are heartbreaking. One single mother, whose child attended our Nesbitt Center, lost her Section 8 home, her minimum-wage job at the local supermarket, and her childcare—all in one devastating blow. Another mother, with five children, lost both her home and childcare and is now living in her car with her children.

Our staff members are also deeply affected—one lost their home, and many have been displaced. Despite their own struggles, they show incredible resilience and working tirelessly to support the families in need.

Your support, whether through donations or spreading the word, would mean the world to these families as they navigate this crisis. Please use the link or QR Code below and go to what you would like your donations to support and drop down to Pacific Clinics Head Start and make your donations.!/donation/checkout 

With Gratitude,

Wassy Tesfa

Executive Director                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Pacific Clinics Head Start