Axis Of Care & Clarification



A story which appeared on the Orleans Hub last week regarding the new health clinic in Holley may have been confusing, and Community Action’s director Renee Hungerford would like to clarify several facts.

First, Dr. Nancy Ciavarri was only there the day they announced the new clinic to show support for case manager and health coach Jeanette Worsley and help her get the clinic set up. Ciavarri is also a member of Community Action’s board. She will not be involved in the health clinic in any other way.

The mobile health unit from Oak Orchard Health will be at the Holley Community Center by appointment, with the first one scheduled for Aug. 24. Future dates will be posted in the Community Center. A health care provider will be on the mobile health unit.

There will be a fee for health visits, based on income. For those who have no health care insurance, someone will be on site to help clients sign up for Medicaid or health insurance.

Oak Orchard Health, Orleans Community Health and GCASA are all cooperating to run this new health program. GCASA will have a peer counselor available.


Axis Of Care

Today is the Day!

Wednesday in Holley

There’s still time to sign-up! Class is tonight!

Come check out our first class. This will be a nutrition class AND come early because the Main Street Thrift Store will be open to shop before and after the class. Sign up with Katrina at or call 585-589-5605 X117.

Angels in Action


New 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

Please note that “988” officially went into effect this past Saturday 7/16/2022. Our local Care & Crisis Helpline provider (Niagara County Crisis Services) is now the designated “988” provider as well. We are hopeful that this will promote utilization, reduce disconnects in continuity of care, improve access to care and referrals to local services, and improve quality of data. We are in the process of updating marketing materials to promote “988” throughout Orleans County. Please see below Governor Hochul’s press release on this.

Subject: Press Release – Governor Hochul Announces Successful Implementation of 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

“Governor Kathy Hochul announced the successful implementation of 988 in New York State as the new three-digit number to call or text to be connected to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. All 62 counties in New York State will be covered for the launch of the new 988 Lifeline, which will ensure that anyone with a New York area code contacting 988 will be connected to one of New York’s 988 crisis centers.

Connecting people who are experiencing a mental health crisis or considering suicide to trained counselors can significantly help them through difficulties that seem insurmountable, and the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides hope and support to those who need it most,” Governor Hochul said. “By implementing 988, we are providing these individuals, as well as their families and friends, an easy-to-remember number that will give them access to the services they need.”

Full press release here: